Thursday, July 19, 2007

higher education? try, roadblock.

You know how for the last 4 years I have been all about school? And you know how I took the summer off and have been completely bored for the last several months? And you know how I thought I'd be in school for only a year longer? Well, I might be in school for another 2-3 years instead of the 1 year I thought. And you know why? Because I made A LOT of money last year, that's why. According to the government, my salary of $barelyscrapingby.00 equates to me being able to afford an extra $4200 (per semester) on my education (out of pocket) this year. And you know who doesn't have $4200 per semester to pay for school this year? I think you know where I'm going with this.

I really want my degree and eventually want my masters degree, but at this rate, I'll be a freakin' granny by the time I finish. I know all the "life is a learning experience" shit people throw at me, and I know all the "you shouldn't worry and be in such a hurry" jargin. But, I'll tell ya, this lady is tired. I want to finish. I want to be able to move forward and continue my real life sans school . However, it seems so much is working against me. I love school. Please, don't get me wrong. But I also want to be able to picture next year with a real vacation thrown in the mix. I want to be able to see myself actually enjoying all that I have learned. I want to see some real implementation and forward motion.

Bah. ugh. ick.

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