Monday, March 26, 2007

Interior Design

On Thursday, March 22, The Washington Post and newspapers around the country ran an article by conservative opinion columnist George Will critical of interior designers and interior design legislation. Below is a link to the article as well as the American Society of Interior Designers response.

Washington Post Article

As a student who has spent the last 4 years of my life working full time and putting myself through school, this article has me incensed. Unfortunately, the general public has little to no understanding of what it actually takes to become a licensed interior designer. Unfortunately, even some of my closer acquaintances think all I do is move furniture around and/or pick paint colors. Yes, I do pick paint colors (which I'll have you know is more involved than just "liking" the color but that's a different subject all together). I do select furnishings and textiles. However, I am also trained in building construction, fire and building codes, and Auto CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) as well as the fine art of hand drafting.

I try not to take "decorator" jokes seriously, I try not to find offense when a decorator shops in my store presenting themselves as an interior designer. Sometimes, it's terribly difficult to just grin and bear it. I have and continuously work hard at my profession. It is a profession I love and respect. It is a profession requiring constant research and learning. It is a profession that holds itself up to a high standard. It is a profession that, I feel, deserves the right to require legislation to uphold the title Interior Designer in order to maintain these high standards. And while I do feel the law in Nevada is a bit extreme : " is illegal -- unless you are licensed, or employed by someone licensed -- to move, in the role of an interior designer, any piece of furniture, such as an armoire, that is more than 69 inches tall."
I also find it somewhat necessary to start somewhere.

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